Motion: Toilets in Camperdown Memorial Rest Park and Enmore Park

I'll be tabling the following Notice of Motion at next week's Council meeting on Tuesday 28 September. As ever, if you have any feedback, I'd love to hear from you.

THAT Council:

1. Urgently installs temporary toilets (portaloos) in Camperdown Memorial Rest Park;

2. Makes alternative arrangements to open the toilets at Enmore Park while the Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre is closed;

3. Allocates funding from from savings in utility expenses to cover costs associated with these actions.



I’ve had a number of residents contact me to ask that Council take the above actions as a matter of urgency, given the popularity of these parks now that small groups are allowed to gather for picnics.

While there are other parks that don’t have on-site toilet facilities, Council approved a public toilet for Camperdown Memorial Rest Park in 2018, and this facility was due to be in place by now. The lack of toilets at this park has been an ongoing issue, and following last weekend, I’ve received reports about people using the cemetary and other parts of the park due to a lack of alternative facilities nearby while pubs and cafes are closed.

Enmore Park’s toilets were previously open and shut by staff at the Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre, which isn’t possible at the moment due to the centre being closed under the Public Health Order. I’ve also had similar requests from residents to reopen this toilet, which is why I’m asking Council to make arrangements for this as well.

  • Pauline Lockie
    published this page in Blog 2021-09-20 16:06:44 +1000

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