A LEADING local activist wants to shake things up as an Independent councillor in the upcoming Inner West Council.
Pauline Lockie, a founder of the WestCONnex Action Group (WAG), is standing as an independent candidate in the Stanmore ward to bring a true community voice to council.
“It’s pretty clear that the major parties only bring compromise to our local community as their head offices grapple with donor priorities when it comes to public policy,” said Ms Lockie.
“We’ve seen a total con job by major parties when it comes to local issues such as WestConnex, where prospective councillors give the appearance of objecting to the project while their party supports it.
“If I’m elected by the community, I’ll make sure local needs are truly reflected in the decisions made for our area,” she said.
As part of WAG, Ms Lockie has been a tireless advocate for the inner west. Her work has played a key role in exposing the impact WestConnex is having on residents, and making the project a major factor behind Premier Mike Baird’s resignation earlier this year.
More recently, her advocacy has expanded to include public transport, sustainable development, Urban Growth plans for Parramatta Road, democratic planning, council mergers, and more.
“With everything that’s happening in the inner west, it’s more vital than ever to have strong independents on council who are prepared to stand up to the NSW government, and fight for what our community needs,” said Ms Lockie.
“We need better public transport. More schools and access to childcare for working families. Democratic planning that fosters community, and allows our small businesses and creative industries to thrive.
“And we need people who will do whatever they can to stop WestConnex and its worst impacts on our community, without being compromised by their party policy.
“Having to take the NSW government to court for compensation during the compulsory acquisition of my family’s home also taught me the negotiating skills you need to take on a powerful bureaucracy and win.
“This is a skill I intend to bring to the Inner West Council if elected, so I can get residents the outcomes they need,” said Ms Lockie.
For more about Pauline Lockie and her campaign, see paulinelockie.com.au
Media contact: Pauline Lockie 0414 470 106 Headshots: bit.ly/pliwchs