Thank you to everyone who took part in Inner West Council's survey on park safety in Camperdown Memorial Rest Park and Fleming Playground. The results are due to be tabled at our Council meeting on Tuesday 11 December, and they make for interesting reading.
Council received 678 responses to the survey, and it's well worth taking a look at the full report in the Council meeting agenda (Item 12). Here are the recommendations our staff have made.
I'll be catching up with officers on Monday to find out more about the lighting trial in Camperdown Memorial Rest Park and the community garden at Fleming Playground, and get events and activations back onto the agenda.
As ever, I'd be interested to know your thoughts. Email me to let me know.
THAT Council:
1. Endorse the proposed location for the public toilets within the park as outlined in the report and proceed to deliver these facilities in 2019;
2. In response to the engagement survey outcomes, establishes an alcohol prohibited area in the park along Australia Street (as highlighted in Fig 1.0) and seek the NSW Police assistance in administering this area;
3. Maintain the current alcohol restrictions (9am-9pm) in other areas within the park;
4. Undertake a public education campaign within Camperdown Memorial Rest Park and Fleming Street Playground similar to the program which has been run by the City of Sydney;
5. Note the public request for increased ranger patrols in Camperdown Memorial Rest Park after dark;
6. Subject to future partner funding support or grant funding, the option of a Park Ambassador program be considered should anti-social problems continue to be a concern to park users; and
7. Proceed with the removal of the picnic shelter at Fleming Street Park.
For full details and results, see agenda item 12 on Council's website.
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