Supporter News: 9 March 2018

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Missed the Council meetings? Catch up with my quick vids

Most residents can't make Council meetings. So I've started making quick catch-up vids after each to fill you in on key debates, and let you know what went down and why.

Watch and share my updates on Facebook now:

Council video updates

Next Council meeting: Tuesday 13 March

Next week, I'll be bringing three motions to our Council meeting.


Issues with noise and air pollution continue to make life unbearable around WestConnex's construction sites, leading residents and community groups to ask Council to conduct its own monitoring of these issues.

I'm proposing we investigate what this would involve, look for other ways we can advocate for our residents, and write to the Premier and relevant Ministers.

Read my WestConnex motion

Sydney Metro

Unbelievably, the NSW government has failed to finalise its substratum (underground) acquisitions under homes in Newtown, leaving an 'unregistered dealing' on residents' land titles.

Residents only discovered the issue when they tried to refinance or sell their homes and found banks wouldn't lend. I spoke to Ten Eyewitness News about why it's such a problem, and my motion calls for Council to write to the relevant Ministers to demand urgent action and compensation for affected residents.

Read my Sydney Metro motion

Watch and share the Ten Eyewitness News story of Facebook

Pride Seats

I'll be asking Council to accept a donation of five "Pride Seats" to celebrate our support for marriage equality and LGBTIQ rights.

Since the Inner West occupies a key place in LGBTIQ history, I'm also proposing we dedicate each seat to a different person, group or organisation that's campaigned for or contributed to LGBTIQ rights, and that we open this up to public nominations.

Read my Pride Seats motion

Other items

We'll also be discussing the proposed demolition of Council-owned cottages to make way for parking, parking meters, microbrewing, new media and social media policies, and more.

The meeting will be held from 6:30pm at Ashfield Council Chambers, L6, 260 Liverpool Rd Ashfield. If you want to speak to any items on the agenda, you'll need to register on Council's website by 2pm on Tuesday. Let me know if you can make it.

WestConnex, Sydney Metro, Pride Seats

More WestCONnex...

I met with the Secretary of the Department of Planning & Environment just before Christmas to talk about the ongoing issues residents are experiencing with WestConnex construction.

Last month, I received a letter from her confirming the Department would be increasing its compliance measures. She also confirmed that residents living near the St Peters Interchange who had their noise mitigation downgraded by WestConnex contractors would receive the higher level of treatment.

However, the RMS seemed to deny any change when questioned by the Inner West Courier. This is obviously unacceptable, and I'll continue to follow this up until our residents get the soundproofing they deserve.

For more, see the Courier article below.

Inner West Courier article

Get in touch

If you need my help or advocacy on any Council matters, contact me at [email protected] or 0434 690 544.

For all my latest updates, follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Thanks again for your support,


Pauline Lockie

Independent Councillor, Stanmore ward, Inner West Council


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