ICYMI: Pauline launched her campaign with the following story in the local Inner West Courier. It's not on their website, so we've published it here alongside the original article.
Lockie runs in council election
Jim O'Rourke, 20 June 2017
A LEADING community activist is running in the Inner West Council election in September.
Pauline Lockie, one of the founders of the WestCONnex Action Group (WAG), is standing as an independent in the Stanmore ward.
"It's pretty clear that the major parties only bring compromise to our local community as their head offices grapple with donor priorities when it comes to public policy," Ms Lockie said.
"We've seen a total con job by major parties when it comes to local issues like WestConnex, where prospective councillors give the appearance of objecting to the project while their party supports it."
Ms Lockie has also advocated on issues including public transport, sustainable development, plans for Parramatta Rd and council mergers.