ABC Sydney interview: NBN works and footpath destruction

I spoke to Robbie Buck and Wendy Harmer on ABC Sydney's Breakfast program on 11 February 2019 about how NBN works have destroyed footpaths across the inner west, including heritage paths in Marrickville, and how Inner West Council has been unable to get anywhere with the NBN when it comes to getting these footpaths properly restored.

Following my interview, Amber Dornsbusch from the NBN provided an official response, in which she acknowledged the "extended" time it was taking for permanent restoration works to take place, and assured listeners that these footpaths would "absolutely" be returned to their original condition.

Have a listen to both interviews below (all pics, audio via ABC Sydney).

Pauline's interview:

NBN response:

If these works have affected you, feel free to leave a comment on ABC Sydney's Facebook post:

More information about the heritage value of these Marrickville footpaths can be found on the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage website.

Questions? Comments? Get in touch with Pauline here.

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